Take good care of your new earpiercing(s).
You keep your new earrings in for at least six weeks. They are of excellent quality and are save to wear for a very long time.
Make sure that for the first year you always wear an earring in your newly pierced ear(s). Also during the night! Because they close rather quickly.
I advise you to take care of your piercing(s) with Biotycare lotion (7,5ml-€7,50). You can buy this with me after I pierced your ear(s). It is based on a low percentage of alcohol for desinfection and contains arnica and chamomile for gentle healing.
Clean your piercing(s) during the six weeks twice a day with a drop of lotion on the front and a drop on the back. Also do this after swimming and sports.
The lotion makes your piercing(s) heal safely and minimise the risk at inflammation.
Touch your piercing(s) as little as possible. Don't turn them! By doing that, you slow down the healing proces.
If you do touch them, make sure your hands are clean.
If you think there's an inflammation, don't take your earrings out! Please follow my advise below, or call/text me at 06 453 16 794

Inflammation? Don't take out your earring right away.
When your earlobe is red, feels warm and/or swollen, then it is probably inflammated. That can happen. Sometimes due to low resistance, or hypersensitivity, or during the healingproces some dirt got in. If so, please follow these steps.
Make sure you have alcohol (70%) or alcoholtissues you can buy this at the drugstore or pharmacy.
Remove the earring and desinfect the earlobe with the alcohol. Most important is that the bacteria are killed.
After cleaning immediately put back in the earring to prevent the hole from closing and making the earring go back in impossible. Because of the inflammation this proces is going faster.
Repeat these steps 1 x dayly untill the inflammation is over. You can keep using the Biotycare lotion as well.
If you suspect there is pus in the hole, cook some water, mix it with seasalt, let it cool of, take a cottonpad and drench it, and fold it around the earlobe during 10 minutes. Afterwards you can carefully massage the pus out. This is a way to 'pull the inflammation out'.
Don't hesitate to call or text me if you have any questions